Non-Compete Agreement Lawyer
Serving Minneapolis / St. Paul and Surrounding Areas
If you are looking for a new job in your field, but your current employer had you sign a non-compete clause and you are unsure of what you can and cannot do, the Joseph A. Larson Law Firm, PLLC can help.
Non-compete agreements can be legal and binding and are fairly common in certain industries. It is reasonable for an employer to not want to lose valuable employees or business to their competitors. These agreements are an attempt to prevent that from happening.
However, some non-compete agreements are unreasonable due to lack of adequate consideration, length of time that an employee is restricted from seeking employment with a competitor, or the geographic area where the employee can take a new job. Courts will generally favor the employee’s right to find a job over the employer’s business interests in enforcing an overly restrictive non-compete agreement.
If you violate a non-compete agreement, you could face legal action from your former employer. Your new employer could also be liable and damages may be sought. Having a lawyer with experience in non-compete agreements on your side is your best chance of thoroughly understanding whether and to what degree you are obligated to comply with an agreement.
If you signed a non-compete agreement that is or might in the future restrict you from pursuing your career goals, you need an experienced employment attorney on your side. Protect your rights and contact the Joseph A. Larson Law Firm PLLC for a consultation today.
To schedule a free analysis of your claim, call (612) 206-3704.